Hello! Today, we're going to introduce an example of good websites. Here is the good one to gather various information. < Feministing|Young Feminists Blogging, Organizing, Kicking Ass > Dana Bolger • 5 hours ago, Sejal Singh • 5 hours ago, Reina Gattuso • 1 day ago, Ago, F. •, Senti Sojwal • 1 day ago, Dana Bolger • 2 days ago, . . . Brodsky, A. (n.d.). Feministing|Young Feminists Blogging, Organizing, Kicking Ass. Retrieved June 28, 2017, from < http://feministing.com/ > This is a web site that is consisted of feminist blog written by more than a dozen editors, columnists, and interns. There are diverse in this blog's writers in terms of race, gender, class background and geography. We can read a broad range of blogs about intersectional feminist issues, such as campus sexual violence, transgender rights, reproductive justice. Additionally, they also have many blogs that analyze the current situation related to feminism in terms of pop ...