Answer to research question 1

Lets' get down to answer the research questions that we posted before.

Q1. What is the concept of the word, feminism?
Before starting more specific research, we wan't to reconfirm what is the feminism with you.
We looked up the word "feminism" in some dictionaries and we'll show you the results.

Macmillan Dictionaries 
Feminism - definition and synonyms. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28,2017, from

the belief that women should have the same rightsand opportunities as men

Cambridge Dictionary
Feminism Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2017, from
the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achievethis state

The definition of feminism is almost same in many dictionaries.
Then, we did a research on google scholor and we found one essay that is a little bit different from these definitions.

Delmar, R. (1987). Eighteenth Century Amazons. Feminist Review, 26(1), 105-114. doi:10.1057/fr.1987.24

According to the writer,Rosalined Delmare, feminists is someone who holds that women suffer discrimination because of thier sex, in the social, economic and political order.
We can understand he believes feminism is only for women.

That is a difference between the definitions from two dictionaries. Those two don't mention whether feminism is for who.

In conclusion, we could find that the definition of feminism is different depending on people, but there is no correct answer of it. Then, in this blog, we basically define feminism as a belief that advocates women's right in various situations without limitting for women.



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