Answer to question 14,15

Hello! This is the last post I answer to research my 15 questions.
14.What is "Women's March" that is a kind of activity related to women's right?
It is a worldwide movement that protests various issues related to human rights including women's right. For example, reproductive rights, healthcare reform, LGBTQ rights, racial equality, freedom of religion and so on. The recent on was held January 21st, 2017 in Washington and 440,000 to 500,000 people joined.
Here is the official webpage of Women's march.
"Our Mission." Women's March. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 July 2017. <>.

15. What is "Bad Feminism"?
I didn't know well about bad feminism before researching.
The term "Bad feminism" has been known by many people since the book "Bad Feminist" written by Roxane Gay was published in 2014.

I found TED movie of the writer Roxane Gay.
Gay, Roxane. "Confessions of a bad feminist." Roxane Gay: Confessions of a bad feminist | TED Talk | N.p., n.d. Web. 28 July 2017. <>.
I really want you watch it!!
In her speech, she said "I am failing as a woman, I am failing as a feminist." because she sometimes behaves inappropriate things from the traditional feminism point of view. However, she also said "We demand perfection from feminists, because we are still fighting for so much, we want so much, we need so damn much. We go far beyond reasonable, constructive criticism, to dissecting any given woman's feminism, tearing it apart until there's nothing left. We do not need to do that. Bad feminism -- or really, more inclusive feminism -- is a starting point."
Summing up her opinion, we don't have to follow a fixed traditional image of feminism. We can trust feminism what we want to trust and it can be different depending on people. We have the right to choose our own lives.

Thank you for reading all of my questions:)



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