Survey Result 2

Hello! Today I would like to show the survey result of my survey.

Thank you for answering these questions!!
There were 7 Japanese people who have answered my survey thankfully.

Now these are some question and results from my survey!

Q.3 Do you think that women are treated fairly in society?

I thought this was the good ratio because in these days women are able to work as same as men. However, there are still some thoughts that men is stronger than women in the society. 

Q4. Do you think that both genders are entitled to the same social, economic, and political rights?

I was surprised that nobody had answered "No".
This shows Japan has been changing to more gender free country.

Q9. Do you think that "Feminism" might lead to discrimination against men?

This also surprised me because I thought more people would answer "Yes" to this question.
I think strong complaints of women's right will criticism men's right. We have to protect rights of both genders.

Q10. Do you think the movement of "Feminism" is getting bigger?

This shows "Feminism" movement is getting bigger in Japan!

Thank you for answering the question and reading this blog!!
I hope more Japanese people would think about what "Feminism" is and get to support women's rights!




Our current thinking

Answer to research question 1