Answers to Q19~22

These are the answers to questions from number 19 to 21 of my research questions!

19. How wide is the gender gap in your country?

Japan slides to 111th in WEF gender equality rankings in 2016. It was 101th in 2015. Despite Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s push for women to play a greater role in society, the nation had done little to make more use of its female talent.

20. When does the first Feminism movement have occurred in Japan?

Mitsu Tanaka is one of the leaders who fought for women's rights.
The first movement was women's liberation movement called ūman ribu (woman lib) in 1970s. 

21. Who did it?

This is the speech of her.

22. Who was the first woman to stand up against the women's right.

Helen of Anjou was the first feminism listed in Wikipedia.
These are the lists of feminist.

Thank You! Moe



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Answers to Q23~26