Answers to the research questions Q16~18

Hello😊Here are the answers to my research questions number 16~18!

Q16. What are the criticism of the equality of two genders and who makes these criticism.

There are many criticism of the inequality of two genders. Mostly women makes these criticisms. For example, women make 16% less money than their male counterparts.  According to Pew Research Center, although the pay gap is narrowing, women in the U.S. working full- and part-time make 84% of what their male counterparts earn. What is more, black and Hispanic women have to work 19 months to make what white men did in a year according to the National Women's Law Center. 

Q17. What are the criticism of feminism and who criticism it.

There are antifeminism who criticize the feminism.According to Sociologist Michael Flood, antifeminism argues
1  That social arrangements among men and women are neither natural nor divinely determined.
2  That social arrangements among men and women favor men.3 That there are collective actions that can and should be taken to transform these arrangements into more just and equitable arrangements, such as those in the timelines of woman's suffrage and other rights.(Wikipedia)

Q18. Are women paid equal as man?
The answer is mentioned in Q16.

Thank you for reading!



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